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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ASEAN urged to help in border row

The Phnom Penh Post
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Sam Rith and Vong Sokheng

NATIONAL Assembly President Heng Samrin has called on ASEAN to help resolve the border stalemate between Cambodia and Thailand, an official said.

Cheam Yeap, a CPP lawmaker, said Heng Samrin requested that ASEAN intervene in the ongoing dispute on August 3, during the opening remarks at the 30th meeting of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), held from August 2 to 6 in Pattaya, Thailand.

"[Heng Samrin] said that ASEAN should not keep quiet. It has to help countries that have disputes with one another, including border disputes," said Cheam Yeap, who also participated in the AIPA.

Following the AIPA, the Cambodian delegation was invited to stay in Thailand for two more days by Thai National Assembly President Chai Chidchob. During these meetings, Heng Samrin emphasised that the two countries needed to respect each other's laws and the ASEAN constitution, Cheam Yeap said.

Var Kimhong, Cambodia's chief border negotiator, said on Tuesday that talks had stalled. "Nothing has changed so far," he said. "We can't do anything right now because there is no approval from the Thai National Assembly."

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