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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mu Sochua accepts the collected money from the women movement … to serve the common interest of women in legal proceedings

Mu Sochua during her meeting the women movement at the Baitong Restaurant (Photo: Kim Peou, RFA)

27 July 2010
By Kim Peou
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Mrs. Mu Sochua, a famous SRP MP, declared in the morning of 27 July that she will use the fund package collected by the women movement to serve the common interest of women in legal proceedings.

Mrs. Mu Sochua’s declaration took place during her meeting with students, farmers and various women networks which announced that, as of today, the funds they have collected from 4,141 donors amount to 13.8 million riels.

(Additional information are forthcoming)

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